【問題】Line with ?推薦回答
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ab Indagine ( J. ) 4. line : signum should be signorum . ... Kirchenu ( G. L. ) TW docuw : should be του λοιμον : : Page 447 , 2. col .
常見Line with問答
延伸文章資訊adjective. having a lining or a liner; often used in combination. “a lined skirt”. “a silk- lined...
Video shows what lined means. Having a lining, an inner layer or covering.. Having lines, ruled.....
verb (used with object), lined, lin·ing. to cover the inner side or surface of: to line the coat ...
lined · 1. adjective. If someone's face or skin is lined, it has lines on it as a result of old a...
lined的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. (of paper) having lines printed across it : 2. (of the skin on the face) having...
be lined with中文:與...相并列, 與...相排列, 內膜上襯有/布滿..…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋be lined with的中文翻譯,be lined with的發音,音...
adjective. having a lining or a liner; often used in combination. “a lined skirt”. “a silk- lined...
Video shows what lined means. Having a lining, an inner layer or covering.. Having lines, ruled.....
verb (used with object), lined, lin·ing. to cover the inner side or surface of: to line the coat ...
lined · 1. adjective. If someone's face or skin is lined, it has lines on it as a result of old a...
lined的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. (of paper) having lines printed across it : 2. (of the skin on the face) having...
be lined with中文:與...相并列, 與...相排列, 內膜上襯有/布滿..…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋be lined with的中文翻譯,be lined with的發音,音...